You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.13. Checkout > 12.13.1. Delivery Confirmation and Payment

Delivery Confirmation and Payment

To finalise the order, you need to confirm the delivery details and pay.

  1. Display the In your cart screen for the order you are finalising.

Refer to "Checkout".

  1. When you have checked the items and quantities on the order, select the Confirm Delivery Details button.

Micronet displays the Confirm delivery details screen. The Summary at the right of the screen shows the total amount owing including shipping and GST.


Technical Tip

Freight is set up in Micronet. The following options are available:

  • use a single freight table for all Micronet ECOM orders
  • use a flat rate for all Micronet ECOM orders
  • have freight calculated by postcode. For this option, the freight tables must be setup in Micronet, then Micronet staff need to configure Micronet ECOM to match postcodes to freight tables.
  • have freight calculated depending on the delivery option / courier selected on the checkout screen. Micronet staff will need to advise you on the configuration required for this option.
  1. Complete the following fields:





Customer Name

Micronet displays the name of the customer placing the order.


Order Number

Enter a customer order number that is meaningful to you.

If you don't enter an order number, this defaults to WEBORDER.

This field is restricted so you can only enter the following alpha-numeric and special characters: A-Z, 0-9, space, colon ( : ), full stop ( . ), slash ( / ), hyphen ( - ), hashtag ( # ), ampersand ( & ).



Technical Tip

You can choose to have mandatory or non-mandatory order numbers depending on your site's configuration. You can also choose whether order numbers have to be unique.

Additionally, you can choose to have this field named PO / Order Number with placeholder text saying "Enter a PO number if you have one for this order" to prompt users to enter a purchase order number.



Order Description

Enter text to identify the order.


Address Line 1 to 5

Micronet displays your default delivery address.

If required, you can select a different delivery address from the Delivery Address List at the bottom of the screen.

Alternatively, you can select the Clear button to remove the default details, enter a new delivery address then select the Save Changes button to save it to the delivery address list.

Micronet displays a confirmation message when a delivery address has been added or updated.



Technical Tip

Micronet ECOM can be configured so users can add, edit and delete delivery addresses, or they only have access to some of these functions (e.g. add and edit but not delete). Alternatively, it can be configured so users can only select an existing delivery address (as set up in Micronet), and are prevented from adding, editing and deleting addresses.



Courier Selection

Optionally, select the courier who will deliver the order.


Special Instructions

Enter any special delivery instructions required. These instructions will appear as text lines on the invoice.

You only need to tick the Save my special instructions for future orders box if you want save the special instructions so you can select them again in future.



Technical Tip

  • All commas are removed from the special instructions before they are converted to UDQs in Micronet. This allows the special instructions to be exported to a CSV file.
  • Only one line of special instructions is allowed, i.e. you cannot press Enter in this field to start a new line.
  • The Special Instructions fields and due date can be hidden from customers on a company-wide basis or per debtor. This will need to be configured by Micronet staff.
  1. For account customers, select the Submit button.

Micronet posts the order and displays a message that your order has been processed.


Technical Tip

For customers who have their Cash Sale field set to Account or Cash in the Debtor master file in Micronet, there are two buttons available on this screen. You can select either:

  • Submit to add the order total to your account, or
  • Pay Now to pay for your order immediately (see the steps below).
  1. For cash customers, select the Pay Now button.

Micronet displays the Payment screen with the credit card payment fields at the top of the screen.

The Payment Amount field shows the total amount to be paid, including any credit card surcharge.


Technical Tip

Credit card surcharges are setup as normal in Micronet. When a user enters their credit card number, Micronet determines the card type and displays the surcharge amount.

  1. Enter the credit card payment details.
  1. Select the Process Payment button.

Micronet processes the credit card payment.


Technical Tip

Alternatively, you can press the Back button to return to the Confirm Delivery Details screen. Press it again to return to the In your cart screen.